Crafting the future of Textile Industry through Buyer & Seller Meet
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Each Participant/ Company can book a combined maximum of Three Slots only,
in any of the Session 1 or Session 2 (each Slot is for sharp 20 min only)
Once you have booked a Slot you would receive a mail confirming the Slot. Please print the same & Bring with you on 16th September to the venue.
On the day of the conclave please be at the session venue at least 10 min before the start timing of your each respective Slot. If the Slot is missed for any reason you would not be able to re-scehdule the same.
Your Table number/Timing/Session# /Slot# would be clearly mentioned on the main screen at the venue for your convenience.
SOWTEX or any of its representatives/associates do not accept any liability or responsibility what so every in case a booked company or buyer/supplier misses the Slot for any reason whatsoever.
Textile sourcing conclave has been organized by SOWTEX with a soul prerogative of being able to support the TSM-24 participants & have better understanding about the buyer sourcing. requirements
Sowtex Reserves the right to change or reschedule any appointment at any point based n the availability of the buyers for any reason whatsoever as it deems feasible.
You may be able to check your booked slots anytime by logging into the Textile sourcing conclave link provided to you